What is a Ductless AC Unit?

Stark County in summertime is a bit unpredictable, which makes it harder to keep a consistent temperature in your home. Have you ever wished that you had the ability to independently control the temperature of every room in your house?

Ductless AC Units are mini HVAC systems that offer the ability to independently control the temperature in each room without the need for a ducted system. Fondly called the “mini-split” here at GMC Heating and Cooling, these indoor Daikan brand units are mounted high on a wall and connected to your outdoor compressor. While the conduit contains refrigerant, suction, and condensate tubing - it’s really only a couple of inches in diameter and doesn’t require a large hole in your wall or ceiling. 

ductless ac unit

The main differences between a ductless cooling system and a standard air conditioner are:

  1. Ductless HVAC offers increased efficiency: By being able to independently control the temperature in each room you use the mini-split in you save energy and money by significantly cutting down on energy waste that can happen with uninsulated duct systems.

  2. Dirty ducts can allow allergens and debris to collect. With ductless AC systems, Improved Indoor Air Quality is possible because there are no ducts to collect dust/debris, as well as a top-of-the-line filtration system that prevents allergens from entering your home in the first place.

  3. Because of the efficiency of the HVAC system, the ductless mini-split units are much quieter than a traditional window unit, or central air conditioning.

Ready to have a ductless cooling system installed in your home? Contact one our friendly team members at GMC Heating and Cooling for an estimate!


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